Bedroom Collections
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Select items of the following collections are shown - Click 'View Entire Collection' to see more


Wardrobe Armoire - 49W x 71.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 21W x 25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 62.25W x 53.5H

Chifforobe - 54.25W x 71.75H


Chest - 6 Drawer - 40W x 57.75H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 44W x 73.5H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 59W x 37H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 44.5W x 37.25H

Wardrobe Armoire - 47W x 71H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.75H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 60W x 54.75H

Chifforobe - 4 drawer, 3 door - 53W x 71H

Boulder Creek Mission


Chest - 5 drawer

Tall Dresser - 9 drawer

Beveled Mirror for Tall 9 Drawer Dresser

Nightstand - 3 drawer

New Haven Panel

Chest - 4 Drawer - 34 Wide

Dresser - 72 Wide

Dresser - 72 Wide

Mule Chest Dresser - 63 Wide


Chest - 6 Drawer - 41.5W x 55.75H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 45.5W x 72H

Dresser - 6 Drawer - 67.5W x 41.5H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 48W x 42.75H

Armoire - 2 door - 3 drawer


Chest - 1 door - 5 drawer

His & Hers Chest

Tall Dresser - 10 drawer


Wardrobe Armoire - 48.5W x 74.5H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 57.25H

Chifforobe - 4 drawer, 3 door - 54.5W x 74.5H

Chippewa Sleigh

Wardrobe Armoire - 43W x 74.25H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 48.75W x 26.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 58W x 53.5H

Chifforobe - 48W x 74.25H


Chest - 6 Drawer - 42W x 54.25H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 61W x 33.75H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 46W x 38H

Nightstand - 2 Drawer with opening - 23.5W x 31.5H


Armoire - 2 drawers, 2 doors - 40W x 69H

Chest - 6 Drawer - 40W x 52.5H

Chifforobe - 4 drawer, 3 door - 50W x 68.75H

Gentleman's Chest - 40W x 52.5H


Chest - 5 Drawer - 39W x 54H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 58W x 36H

Dresser Mirror - 41.5W x 38.75H

Nightstand - 1 Drawer - 20.5W x 28.75H

Wardrobe Armoire - 44W x 71H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54.5H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 44W x 71H

DuMont Daybed

Wardrobe Armoire - 52.5W x 75.25H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 54.75W x 58.75H

Chifforobe - 58.5W x 75.25H

Gentleman's Chest - 6 drawers, 1 door - 45W x 58.75H

1 Drawer 1 Mirror Door Armoire

Cedar Chest

6 Drawer Chest

7 Drawer 2 Door His & Hers Chest

10 Drawer 1 Door Dresser


Wardrobe Armoire - 44W x 70.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54H

Chifforobe - 51W x 70.75H


Chest - 5 Drawer - 39W x 54H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 58W x 36H

Dresser Mirror - 41.5W x 38.75H

Nightstand - 1 Drawer - 20.5W x 28.75H


Wardrobe Armoire - 44W x 70.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Chest-on-Chest - 37.5W x 57H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54H


Wardrobe Armoire - 48.5W x 71.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 62W x 55.25H

Chifforobe - 4 drawers, 3 doors - 53W x 71.75H

Bow Spindle

Wardrobe Armoire - 45W x 72H

Blanket Chest with false drawer fronts and cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54H

Chifforobe - 4 drawers, 3 doors - 51W x 72H


Wardrobe Armoire - 49W x 74.5H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 23H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 64W x 58H

Houston Bunkbed


Armoire - 2 drawer, 2 door - 40W x 73.25H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 25.25H

Chest - 6 Drawer - 39.5W x 53.25H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 43W x 73.25H

Wardrobe Armoire - 44W x 71H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54.5H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 44W x 71H

Gentleman's Chest - 40W x 54.5H


Wardrobe Armoire - 48.125W x 72H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 58W x 48.75H

Chifforobe - 4 drawers, 3 doors - 53W x 72H


Chest - 5 drawer

Dresser - Tall - 8 Drawer

Dresser Mirror - For Dresser - Tall - 8 Drawer

Nightstand - 3 drawer


Wardrobe Armoire - 50W x 73H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 46W x 21.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 63W x 56.25H

Chifforobe - 56W x 73H


Chest - 4 Drawer - 36W x 49.75H

Dresser - 6 Drawer - 62.25W x 39.75H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled Wall Mount - 50.5W x 25.25H

Nightstand - 1 Drawer with opening - 22.5W x 26.5H


Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21H

Chest - 6 Drawer - 40.5W x 54.75H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 44.5W x 71H

Dresser - 9 Drawer - 72.5W x 43.75H


Chest - 6 Drawer - 42W x 51.5H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 67W x 31H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 47W x 39H

Nightstand - 2 Drawer with opening - 28W x 30H


Wardrobe Armoire - 47.5W x 70.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 61.5W x 54H

Chifforobe - 53.5W x 70.75H

Charleston Panel

Chest - 4 Drawer - 43 Wide

Door Chest - 41 Wide

Dresser - 63 Wide

Mule Chest Dresser - 63 Wide


Chest - 6 drawer

His & Hers Chest

Tall Dresser - 9 drawer

Beveled Mirror for Tall 9 Drawer Dresser


Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Chest - 5 Drawer - 40.5W x 51H

His & Hers Chest - 7 drawer, 2 door - 50.5W x 51H

Dresser - 9 Drawer - 66.5W x 43.25H

Classic Raised Panel Sleigh

Wardrobe Armoire - 43W x 73.25H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 48.75W x 26.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 58W x 53.5H

Chifforobe - 48W x 73.25H

Wardrobe Armoire - 44W x 69.5H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 50W x 25.5H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 53.25H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 44W x 69.5H

Orewood - Rustic


Chest - 6 Drawer - 43.25W x 54.75H

Gentleman's Chest - 43.25W x 54.75H

Dresser - 9 Drawer - 69.25W x 44.25H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 50.75W x 33.25H


Chest - 5 drawer

Tall Dresser - 9 drawer

Beveled Mirror for Tall 9 Drawer Dresser

Nightstand - 3 drawer


Wardrobe Armoire - 47.5W x 72.75H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 60.5W x 55H

Chifforobe - 53.5W x 72.75H

Gentleman's Chest - 41.5W x 55H


Wardrobe Armoire - 45W x 72H

Blanket Chest with false drawer fronts and cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 59W x 54H

Shaker Bunkbed

American Mission

Mission Bunk Bed

Mission Day Bed

Armoire - 3 drawer, 2 door - 41W x 70.75H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 60W x 54H


Wardrobe Armoire - 49W x 70.5H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 62W x 54.25H

Chifforobe - Sliding Door - 49W x 70.5H


Chest - 5 Drawer - 39W x 54H

Dresser - 7 Drawer - 58W x 36H

Dresser Mirror - 41.5W x 38.75H

Nightstand - 1 Drawer - 20.5W x 28.75H

Wardrobe Armoire - 49W x 72.75H

Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 23H

Double Chest - 11 Drawer - 64W x 56H

Gentleman's Chest - 45W x 56H

Dresser - 9 Drawer - 71W x 45.75H

Chest - 6 Drawer - 45W x 56H

Dresser - 6 Drawer - 71W x 41.75H

Dresser Mirror - Beveled - 50.5W x 36.5H

Nightstand - 3 Drawer - 30W x 33.5H